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Jasmine Green

Jasmine Green

Floral, Sweet, Aromatic

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Introducing our exclusive loose leaf Jasmine Green Tea – a premium blend crafted with precision and care. Hand-picked for its exceptional quality, our loose leaf Jasmine Green Tea undergoes a meticulous process, combining the direct heat method with the infusion of delicate jasmine blooms.
Beyond its enticing taste, our Jasmine Green Tea is rich in polyphenols, powerful plant-based compounds renowned for their antioxidant properties. Catechins, a specific type of polyphenol present in Jasmine Green, are associated with various health benefits, including metabolism regulation, improved blood sugar control, and support for heart and oral health.

To savor the perfect cup of our Jasmine Green Tea, follow these simple steps:
1. Measure 5g of loose leaf tea.
2. Steep the tea in 400ml of 70-degree Celsius water.
3. Brew for 3 minutes.

Regular price £16.50 GBP
Regular price Sale price £16.50 GBP
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