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Darjeeling Black

Darjeeling Black

Earthy, Zesty, Fruity

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Introducing our Darjeeling black tea, a delightful in-between blend. Nestled in the Himalayan foothills, Darjeeling tea boasts a unique citric fruitiness, thanks to the light soil, cool air, and ample rainfall in the region.
Harvested during the 'second flush,' our Darjeeling is renowned for its 'muscatel' quality, akin to the nuances found in dessert wine. This lighter black tea is perfect for those who prefer a brew without milk, offering a refreshing and nuanced flavor profile.

For a perfect cup:

Measure 10g of our loose leaf Darjeeling Black tea.
Steep in 400ml of 98-degree Celsius water.
Brew for 3 minutes.

Regular price £30.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £30.00 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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